Home General Did Bishop Wanjiru Dish Out Money To Members Of Public?

Did Bishop Wanjiru Dish Out Money To Members Of Public?

I am not one to talk about politics but this is something I have never seen before; a politician campaigning helping out the poor by dishing out money.

I was under the impression our politicians are honourable. And men and women of the clothe are even more noble! I was under the impression that a woman who is both a messenger of God and a politician would be the most honourable being in Kenya.

Perhaps I am getting things twisted because surely, no Bishop would dish out her -oh sorry, I mean the church’s offerings and tithes with so little regard for accountability, I mean is it not said that giving a man a fish only feeds him for a day but teaching the man to fish feeds him for the rest of his life?

Anyway, here the video is:

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