Home General Christians, We Should Pray Like Never Before. Devil Worshippers Set Up Headquarters...

Christians, We Should Pray Like Never Before. Devil Worshippers Set Up Headquarters In US

The end times are indeed here with us! The new international headquarters for the Satanic Temple, which says its mission is to promote separation of church and state not devil worship, opened to the public yesterday in a Massachusetts city known historically for persecuting witches accused of being possessed by the devil.

It was in Salem, the home of the Satanic Temple, that 20 people were executed in the notorious witch trials in the 1690s, an important event in the history of colonial America.

At its opening event on Thursday evening, the Temple, which also bills itself as an art gallery, more than a dozen visitors perused rooms full of art, in which ghastly figures and pentagrams figured prominently.

The centre’s most arresting artwork is a one-ton, seven-foot (2.13-m) bronze statue of Baphomet, a goat-headed winged deity associated with Satanism and the occult.

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