Home General Dennis Okari Getting Deeper In Spiritual Matters And Loving God Intimately

Dennis Okari Getting Deeper In Spiritual Matters And Loving God Intimately

He felt abandoned, dejected and his forlorn figure stood riveted to the ground. He felt a twitch in his stomach and his eyelids fluttered as he watched Lot leave.

What Abram didn’t know was that when Lot left him, he created space for God to come in. His house was occupied by a distraction, a hindrance, a veil that caused him not to see the bigger picture.

Lot represents those people or those things that surround and suck life out of you. They are your distraction, your comfort, your escape, your endearment but they are not supposed to be with you. When people leave, space is created. What occupies that space determines how far you go to fulfil your purpose in life.

Immediately Abram and Lot separated, God finally spoke to Abram.

The problem was not that God wasn’t listening to Abram when he prayed.
The problem was not that God wasn’t willing to respond to his prayers.

The problem was, when Abram was waiting on God, God was waiting on Abram.
Lot had occupied His space and therefore couldn’t come in.

Abram wasn’t in a position to hear or see anything as long as Lot was with him. There are certain people around you and until they leave, you cannot see.

They could be people you work so hard to love, impress or seek their friendship. You know you don’t fit in but you hope one day things will change. But as long as they are there, you won’t hear God’s voice or see God’s plan and walk in it because they are excess baggage. They will slow you down.

Human beings are relational creatures and no one pursues abandonment, we all want to belong but Lot has to go.

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