Home Church of Christ My Encounter With The Servant Of God Dr. Morris Cerullo At Liberty...

My Encounter With The Servant Of God Dr. Morris Cerullo At Liberty Christian Over the weekend

Eventually the wound which was so bad healed completely and he has no even a scar, Bishop Arthur Kitonga who was their confirmed by examining him. For the Lord healed him totally leaving no scars.

He said there is coming wave change in the spiritual realm of Gods will through the holy spirit to cause us to do his will. Amos 3:7. “The Lord does nothing without revealing to his servants”.

Luke 11: 2 Every time we open our mouths it should be in prayer. and if we pray the will of God he shall fulfill it because it’s his will.

He also shared on strategic spiritual prayer points which he has spoken in his new book. It was an owesome presence as his assistant of 31years traveling through out the world together ministering to God’s People took over in intercession, you could feel the spirit of God and the Heavens were open for prayer and intercession

Let us live each day for God and speaking of his mightiness, will and preaching the kingdom.

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