Home General Ladies, If A Man Is Interested, He Will Pursue You

Ladies, If A Man Is Interested, He Will Pursue You

Now if you are determined to take the initiative, to approach a man with free tickets to a concert, Sunday dinner at your place, or access to your new sports car, and he takes you up on all of the offers, but he’s still not interested, then “W.I.I.F.M” is at play. (The same brother taught me this). W.I.I.F.M stands for: “What’s in it for me?”

In other words, he’s using you, and you are allowing him to do so. Does he only respond to your “freebies” and never suggests a date on his own where he pays? Do you call more than he does? Are you always the one planning the holiday get-togethers? Then face the facts: He is not interested!

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