Home General Otile Brown I Have Desired To Attend Sunday Services Regularly But It...

Otile Brown I Have Desired To Attend Sunday Services Regularly But It Has Been Hard

Sunday is the day…

I relax at home and listen to music, watch music shows on MTV or check out new music on YouTube.

This however only happens when I don’t have a recording session or a performance.

Once I am up…

I say a short prayer, check my social media pages and email, take a shower or freshen up then settle down for breakfast.

If I could replace Sunday with any other day it would be…..

A Tuesday. That’s when I’m usually in my full element and very fired up with whatever I had planned for the week.

What I love most about Sundays….

Is the quiet. It is a good time to meditate and plan for the coming week.

What I don’t like about Sundays….

Is how slow it is. Sometimes I might have something related to my business or music but I have to wait until Monday for me to do it or delegate.

Sunday menu?

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