Home Spiritual Growth A Time of Praise and Worship

A Time of Praise and Worship

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy…. And they fell down and worshiped him.”  Matthew 2:10-11

Worship was such an important part of that first Christmas.  The wise-men worshiped Jesus in the house where they found him.  The prophetess Anna and Simeon worshiped in the temple.  The shepherds’ hearts were filled with praise as they hurried to find the child and then shared the good news with others.  The place of worship was different for all of them but their hearts were overflowing with praise and adoration.

Do we take the time to worship the Lord during this Christmas season?  It doesn’t really matter whether we worship in our home, in our church, at a Christmas concert or banquet or maybe it’s, ‘on the run,’ as we dash through the mail and hear the music, “Silent Night”.  The only thing that matters is that our hearts are lifted in praise and worship to the Lord.  Is there a song of praise on our lips at Christmas?  How easy it is to see the work, feel the burdens and be aware of the frustrations instead of seeing the glory, the gift and the Savior.


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