Home General When God Ends Your Relationship: 4 Ways to Know it’s God

When God Ends Your Relationship: 4 Ways to Know it’s God

Relationships can be rough especially if we try to take matters into our own hands when God has already spoken.

When a relationship ends it can feel like the end of the world for most of us. Whether it’s a friendship, courtship, or business relationship, it hurts!

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Not by coincidence or chance, but for a purpose.

The reason doesn’t always present itself right away, but usually it is for our good.

Sometimes the reason is staring us right in our face but it’s hard for us to accept. Particularly when it comes to dating relationships.

If you’ve been dating someone and have noticed a change in the relationship…

Here are 4 ways to know God is intervening in your relationship…

1. Drifting Apart

Sometimes, people drift apart for no apparent reason. You’re in a relationship, and nothing’s really bad, exactly, but things are different.

It may be that you’re getting closer to God and they’re getting further away from God.

This is when the smallest things will start to bother you. Things that never really mattered before are now a big deal.

This is when the little red flags start waving around in your head. Before you know it you realize…

  • You’re spending less and less time together.
  • There’s less communication between the two of you.
  • There is less laughter in your relationship.
  • Even when you’re together, you’re distant. You just don’t feel as close as you once were.

2. The relationship is damaging

You may not even realize how damaging the relationship is.

The relationship is damaging your health, damaging to your mental health, damaging to your relationship with Christ… Just damaging to your wellbeing period.

You may be praying for God to cure your sudden onset of migraines, the frequent anxiety attacks, or other stress related conditions.

Not realizing that in order to do so, God may have to get rid of the root of that problem: Your relationship!

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