Saturday, March 1, 2025

Spiritual Growth

Home Spiritual Growth Page 17
10 Traits of a Real Man in 2017 - Hallelujah

10 Traits of a Real Man in 2017

What does a real man look like in 2017? Think about the definition our culture gives to us. Look at the...

Strengthen Your Devotion to God With These 3 New Year Resolutions

Many people make New Year's resolutions that are centred around various things. Some resolve to become healthier and plan to...

5 Ways To Make Your Prayer Life More Pleasing To God

How many mountains have you moved recently?Indeed, have you heard of even one large hill being thrown into the sea...

Crushed But Not Defeated: How God Turned This Christian Woman’s Life Around

Although I was badly injured I had an amazing feeling of peace," she says. "It was just unexplainable. Right through...

Don’t Just Listen—Obey!

When we hear God's Word and do not do it, we deceive our own hearts! A deceived person really believes...

Kick Doubt in the Teeth With This Encouraging Prayer Truth

Have you ever passed over a prayer request because you felt that perhaps your prayers won't help? I want to...

God Listens to Your Slightest Whispers

"You know what I long for, Lord; You hear my every sigh." – Psalm 38:9 God knows everything. He knows our deepest...

5 Ways You Can Effortlessly Increase Your Intimacy With God

Growing in our relationship with God can be serious and tedious work. It calls for discipline, commitment and sometimes even...

5 Ways Worry Becomes a Hindrance to Godly Living

Motivational speaker Leo Buscaglia once said, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." When...

The Oft-Overlooked Way Holy Spirit Is Speaking to You

God speaks to us daily, in multiple ways. Sometimes He speaks to us in a powerful encounter. Sometimes He whispers...