Saturday, March 1, 2025

Spiritual Growth

Home Spiritual Growth Page 27

One Important Action You Don’t Want to Forget in Prayer

If you're prayer life is like mine was just a few years ago, you start with great intentions of praying...

Confident In God’s Promises

“Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for...

What Happens When You Actually Listen to God

True friends are hard to come by. Ron and Jackie Hill are those kinds of friends. While we only go out...

Confident In God’s Promises

“Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for...

If God Gives You Influence…

“If God gives you influence, the enemy gives you attention!” If God gives you influence, the enemy gives you attention! We shouldn’t...

10 Ways God Wants to Stretch Your Faith Today

Not long ago I read a book called Fitness After 40. It was an intriguing book that helped me to...

Is Your Worship Missing These 3 Key Things?

I’ve attended church for more than twenty years now, and have experienced many different kinds of worship services. Some focused...

A Simple Test to Tell if You’re Self-Centered or God-Centered

What will be the center of your life? In other words, who or what are you going to live for? There...

The Sweet, Shocking Results of Obeying Holy Spirit’s Nudges

Carol was never given the opportunity to grieve her younger brother. Living just a few short days, he had died in...

Get Ready to Hear God—And 3 Things to Watch Out For

We are entering into a time in which God is speaking to us more clearly over the next few months. This...