Friday, May 3, 2024

Spiritual Growth

Home Spiritual Growth Page 40

What Is Your Special Calling?

Each of us has a unique purpose and plan that is useful and valuable to God. Don't let fear stand in...

A Symphony to God’s Heart

During seasons of prayer, when congregations unite for intercession or groups meet in homes to appeal to God, it is...

God’s Loving Truth to You about Your Most Shameful Sins

One of the most difficult parts of navigating sin in the Christian life is knowing how to handle it afterward....

If I Tell You I’m Praying For You, Might I Be Lying?

I do it almost every day. Friends tell me about difficult situations they're going through, challenging items on their to-do...

When the Enemy Tries to Scare You Out of Your Divine Destiny

Most of us would probably argue that we would never trust the devil. But it might not occur to us...

Confident In God’s Promises

“Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for...

4 Hinderances To Growing In Christ

Christians should be committed to life-long education as full-time students of Jesus (2 Timothy 2:15). Unfortunately, things get in our way: 1....

Why You’re Struggling to Hear God’s Voice

Why is it that it seems harder and harder to wait? I watched a mom at the grocery store the other...

Young Deaf Muslim Converts To Follow Jesus After Going To Church For Very First...

A young deaf Muslim has converted to follow Jesus after being taken to church for the first time. The Muslim youth,...

10 Important Tips For Fasting

Fasting is a common practice in Christianity. When Jesus was talking with His disciples He taught them about fasting. It was...