John Piper points out that our bodies were designed by God to respond to sexual touching with a desire for sexual intercourse. If you’re not yet married, don’t do things that awakens your passion to go further. Have a conversation that establishes boundaries, committing yourselves to stay away from the kind of privacy and touching and kissing that would take you down that road.
Men, be strong here. Set a pure and holy pattern for your relationship today. Don’t make your girlfriend or fiancée be one to put on the brakes. Women, don’t entice a man to touch you or try to see how far he’ll go. And if you tell him “no,” ahead of time or in the moment, you will learn a lot about his character through his response.
John Piper’s final point was to those who are not in a relationship. If you are not married, you are not any less of a person. Jesus was not married, did not experience sex, and he was a prefect and whole human being.