Home Spiritual Growth What You Must Know in Order to Grow Closer to God

What You Must Know in Order to Grow Closer to God

“How do I get closer to God?” Know that God loves you. Remind yourself of this constantly. Make declarations about God’s love until it gets into your soul. I promise, you will naturally get closer to God when you take to heart that He is madly, deeply in love with you.

Secondly, it’s absolutely essential to spend quality time with God. People in love desire to spend lots of time with each other. They schedule days and evenings when they can go to dinner, watch a movie or otherwise just enjoy each other’s company. In this atmosphere, intimacy is built, trust is gained and secrets are shared. A relationship develops.

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8, MEV).


God is in love with you and desires to come close to you, but as in any relationship, you must reciprocate. “Love” is spelled t-i-m-e. So if you love God, spend time with Him. And I don’t just mean in church! A successful relationship cannot only be lived out publicly, but must include plenty of personal, one-on-one time. Take a seat on your couch, open your Bible and think about the goodness and love of God. Often, I like to open my music app, play my favorite worship song, and sing my heart out to Him.

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