Home Spiritual Growth Prayer One Important Action You Don’t Want to Forget in Prayer

One Important Action You Don’t Want to Forget in Prayer

If you’re prayer life is like mine was just a few years ago, you start with great intentions of praying for an hour, get through your prayer list, look at your clock and realize that it’s only been 10 minutes.


The biggest frustration I faced in prayer was that I never really felt like I had actually connected with God.

And that’s what prayer is, connecting with God on a deep level.

Partnering with Him in seeing His will accomplished here on Earth.

This is very different from prayer being a time when I recite to God all my needs from 1-10, one sided, one dimensional.

When I actually start partnering with God, when I make that connection with Him and when I discern what His will in in a certain situation and begin praying with authority according to His will, suddenly the one-dimensional relationship becomes multidimensional!


But what does it take to get there?

That’s the question right?

What I believe most people miss in prayer is this:

Waiting on God

There used to be an old Pentecostal term: Pray through.

You’d go to the altar and kneel to pray, and if you got up too soon the deacon’s big hand would descend upon your head, push you back down to the carpet as he’d boom out, “Pray through, sister! Pray through!”


This could happen multiple times before suddenly something inside would break and you’d walk away that day completely and utterly changed from the inside out.

But in this just-add-water, microwave, instant-meal society which we live, we have forgotten what it means to wait on God.

You see, in prayer there is no just-add-water, microwave, instant-meal results.

Connection with God, partnering with God, and seeing His will be done on Earth requires waiting. It requires praying through.

Yes, there will be sleepless nights.

Yes, there will be sore knees.


But in exchange you will enter into a partnership in which you know when you’ve said amen you’ve literally met with the King of all the Universe, the Lord of all Lords, I Am that I Am.

I can’t tell you what this one thing has done for my prayer life.

In the past few years my prayer life has deepened, and continues to deepen each and every day, and learning to wait in prayer is just one thing that has transformed my understanding of prayer.

And I want to tell you more about what has transformed my prayer life!

I have put together a seven-day teaching called “7 Days to a Better Prayer Life.”


While many of you remember that registration for this Bible study ended a week and a half ago, because it was so popular, I decided to open it up for anyone to purchase at any time.

While I may not be officially leading the study anymore, you are free to purchase the study and work through it at your own pace.

With this Bible study you receive lifetime access to seven videos, a 70-page prayer journal, and a private Facebook Group in which you can talk about prayer with other women and even ask me questions, because I am still present and active in the group.

You may check out the Bible study here: “7 Days to a Better Prayer Life.”

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