‘I Feel Like God Has Given Me A Second Chance At Life”, Says Woman Suffering From Vitiligo

Attempts to hide her appearance
Ms Chamberlain has vitiligo patches on her hands and other areas of her body including her scalp, gums, arms, feet and legs.
The mum-of-three said her striking make-up free appearance has resulted in strangers stopping her in the street to pay her compliments.
But for three decades – from the ages of around ten to 40 – she masked her face and hands with a ‘blanket’ of foundation and concealer in a bid to hide her vitiligo.
She refused to leave the house bare-faced for fear of being stared at and was driven to the depths of depression, even considering suicide, because she hated her looks.
Ms Chamberlain estimates she spent around an hour a day applying makeup and splashed around $400-a-month (£282) on it over the 30 years – potentially as much as $144,000 (£102,000) in total.