Home Spiritual Growth God’s Loving Truth to You about Your Most Shameful Sins

God’s Loving Truth to You about Your Most Shameful Sins

One of the most difficult parts of navigating sin in the Christian life is knowing how to handle it afterward. As women, especially, we tend to carry shame a lot longer than necessary (and by “necessary”, I mean “at all!”)

conceptual shot representin teh emotions sadness and depression
conceptual shot representin teh emotions sadness and depression

Sure, we know the verses about there being no condemnation for us in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) but we don’t truly believe those verses apply to us. Or we aren’t sure how to tangibly make them apply, so we strive in our fleshly effort—and when we still don’t feel any less shame, we consider ourselves a failure at that too, and the endless cycle continues.

It’s an exhausting thing, being a woman.

The good news is, we’re not alone in this struggle. The things women are the most ashamed of are universal.

And the even better news? God has specific hope for us as we battle these sins.

While there is no “sin scale”, I do believe there are particular sins that carry more shame afterward than others. For women, this includes lust, anger, worry and binging.

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