Home Christian Living No Matter Your Sin, God Wants to Do This for You

No Matter Your Sin, God Wants to Do This for You

I want to remind you that there is nothing too hard for God, but pride blocks prayer, worship and the moving of the Holy Spirit. Proud people can hinder the flow of the Holy Spirit; humility is a key to operating in the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we pray, we should always approach God with a spirit of humility. The concept of supplication in Bible verses such as Philippians 4:6 is about submitting a request to one who is in authority over us. God is our creator, our ruler. He is sovereign. He is to be reverenced and feared. He is our ultimate help. But those who operate with a spirit of pride will have the attitude that they don’t even need God, that they don’t need His covering and protection. Pride will cause us to strive and work things out on our own. Pride causes us to lean to our own understanding, which is, at the very least, limited. We cut God’s infinite wisdom and unlimited strength and provision out of the picture, and we set ourselves up for failure and burnout, among other things.


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