City preacher Godfrey Migwi of House of Hope Church in Kayole has claimed that he is mobilizing other City preachers to sue NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga for urging women to deny their husbands sex until they vote.
The preacher said this is against the Bible and even the law thus is could break marriages of many young couple in the country.
“The Bible is clear on conjugal rights, thus I’m mobilizing my fellow preachers so that we can plan on how to sue Nasa Presidential candidate Raila Odinga for the remarks” he said.
Adding that “as preachers I’ve handled several cases where spouses part when one party denied another his or her sex rights thus he and any other leader ought not to be taken serious at all”.
According to Migwi such remarks only fit the elderly and not young couple who still have long way in building their families.
On Monday the Former Prime Minister at public event in Homa Bay County urged women to deny their partners conjugal rights on the eve of elections that is August 7th.
“We are going into a war and we must fully conserve our energies before the day of battle which is August 8th, none of us ought to have sex on the eve of the poll, this will ensure that we wake up early to vote and remain vigilant throughout the day until the results are tallied and announced” he said.