10 Tips to Having a Healthy Marriage

9. Be Humorous– Didn’t you ever laugh when you were dating your spouse? Surely somebody cracked a joke or two in the relationship. You cannot tell me that you didn’t laugh at jokes, movies, falling down, getting up or just silly things. But you know, those things gave you both hope and lightened the load of just being in a relationship. Remember, laughter is good relationship medicine and should be practiced as often as you can do it.
10. Be a Listener– There are times when our spouses just want a listening ear. Don’t be too busy to be a listener when your spouse needs to talk. You did talk all night when you were dating right? The difference now is that you don’t tell them to go home and come back tomorrow, because you are living under the same household. Lend that ear to them and they will cherish it!

Now I didn’t mention prayer specifically because that should be a given in any relationship. Praying about your situation and how to handle it should be first and foremost in your marriage; period! Remember this, if you are not fulfilling your role as the spouse that God wants you to be, someone else will be happy to try and fill it for you. Don’t let that happen in your marriage. Take Charge of what you need to do to keep your marriage healthy. Just put forth the effort first and allow God to lead you the rest of the way.