Home General 8 Results of Disobeying God

8 Results of Disobeying God

  • Disaster. It could come to us financially, emotionally, or in countless other ways, but the result of disobedience is always disastrous because we didn’t follow the Lord.
  • Discipline. If we will not listen and obey God, He’ll discipline us. His goal is that we learn to trust in Him with all our heart instead of leaning on our own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). Only then will He make our paths straight.
  • If we claim that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord, we should consult Him regarding every decision. He loves us, understands our weaknesses, knows what’s best for us and how to accomplish it, and can save us from the pain and trouble that could result from following our own self-directed path. When He directs our way, He ensures that everything works out according to His will because He has the power to accomplish it.

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