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Lean Into The Lord’s Defense

I have not wronged you, but you are doing me wrong by waging war against me. Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute. Judges 11:27

People may accuse you of wrong when, in fact, they are wrong. You want to admit your mistakes and become a better person. If, however, the motive of your accuser is not right, if he or she is appealing to your guilt and emotions, then reject the false accusations. When the facts are on your side, be patient and wait on the Lord to defend you.

God would not have you caught up in a lot of sideways energy and activity, distracting you from the best use of your time. Some people are very persuasive and convincing with their words, but their character is lacking and their arguments do not add up. Do not lower yourself to their level and react to their lambasting with an equal fury of words. They do not deserve that much time, attention, and worry. Prayer is your posture.

It is like the bully on the playground trying to get your attention, getting others to cower to his intimidating ways. God is not intimidated by fear tactics, and neither are we. So how do we trust the Lord to defend us in difficult situations? How do we work with a caustic critic who is unreasonable? Seek to stay above the fray of angry arguments.

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