Home Christian Living Parenting A Prayer for Your Children

A Prayer for Your Children

I know of a dear lady who has buried two sons and witnessed the miracle healing of her husband from a near-fatal car accident. But her hardest trial was discovering that her beloved third son was struggling with homosexuality. Months of dark depression were lifted in one day when she realized that her son belonged to God, so she gave her boy to Him. For 11 years she didn’t hear from him. Then one day he called and said he had a Mother’s Day present for her. He had come back to the Lord!

Six Students, one male and five females, walking out of school carrying their books talking and laughing. Horizontally framed photo.
Six Students, one male and five females, walking out of school carrying their books talking and laughing. Horizontally framed photo.

God is in control. When you pray you release Him to do what only He can do in your child’s life. And when you pray, He can mold your parenting style so you can do what He has called you to do in raising your child.


Lord, I release my children to Your care and protection, and I relinquish my will for them in favor of Your will. I know I can’t go everywhere my child goes, but I know You do. Please protect them. Give us wisdom for how to parent well. Give us peace in Your goodness toward our children and your love for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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