Home General *Breathe*, Pray and have faith”, Cece Sagini Tells Fans As She Displays...

*Breathe*, Pray and have faith”, Cece Sagini Tells Fans As She Displays New Blessings

“A message for someone:
2018 is here, you are charged up and stepping on the acceleration about to hit 140kph (with your teeth all out) only to see a wall ahead and you step on that break so quick, you can’t believe it, the year had just started….So here you are trying to think of a quick solution but even that won’t do.
If you’re in such a situation and you’ve hit a wall too early in the year, this is a great time to see God do His thing . *Breathe*, Pray and have faith”.
#CeceOnAMission #NewMusic #ComeDown Link in my bio #StayEncouraged


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