Monday, February 24, 2025


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“You Can Not Be A Good Tither And Die Poor”, Kathy Kiuna Sets Twitter...

Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) the Kiuna’s better known as mum and dad always find something to create a buzz on social media. This...

Pastor Causes A Stir For Bathing In Mad

orPastors in this our continent are as bad as the politicians. Selling snake skin oil to ignorant clients (congregants) and...

Bahatis Daughter Mueni Admitted, After Her Half Sister Was Discharged Last Week

Bahati’s firstborn daughter, Mueni is sick. The celebrity’s daughter who has been in the limelight for almost a year now...

Beyonce Buys Church For 8.5 Million

American Singer Beyoncé is the proud owner of a church. According to TMZ, Beyoncé has purchased a church in New Orleans, USA...

There Is Nothing Like Gospel Music In Kenya, Gospel Musicians Are Doing Business, Ray...

Tanzanian star Ray C has claimed that there is no gospel music in Kenya. The one time talk of the town...

Meet ACK Rev. Who Was Former Gang Member

He dropped out of school to join a village gang Reverend Joseph Khakubi tells how a church crusade turned his life...

Type Of Christians You will Find In Any Christian Set Up

Church cell groups are small gatherings for fellowship, studying the Bible, praising the Lord, worshipping and praying for one another Apart...

What Made Singer Circuit Give His Life To The Lord? He Tells It All...

It is said that it is never too late to seek and find salvation. This appears to be the case...

Former Praise And Worship Leader shocks Many With His Abrupt Change To Secular

Sanka real name Sankale Meringo is the talk of town. This kid has shocked many by ditching gospel music and...

Diana Maruas Ex Denies Getting Entangled In Heavens DNA

  Diana Marua, singer Bahati’s wife has a past. She dated Silas Imbaga, owner of Pitstop Bar and Restaurant in Lang’ata. These...