Home Christian Living How to deal with an annoying co-worker the Christian way

How to deal with an annoying co-worker the Christian way

2. Pray for Discernment

Are you annoyed at how a co-worker keeps tapping his shoes on the floor? Are you annoyed at a co-worker you see that steals from the pantry? It’s amazing how small, insignificant things you see in others can become huge, giant things that upset you so much, and cause you to “lose yourself”.

But in times of anger and frustration, you must learn to choose things that really are significant and others that you can just let go of. There are days you’ll find yourself confused as to how you should react and act. Should you let it go or not? When this happens, pray for discernment and ask the Lord’s help in making a decision.

3. Pray for Respect

When you’re really annoyed with someone, it’s hard to keep your respect intact. Why would you respect someone who can’t even respect the people around him/her? However, you must also keep in mind that you don’t know the entire story. You only know what you see. What if this person is going through hard times in his/her life and that’s why they are acting out this way?

When you respect someone, there is also leeway for understanding. You may not like what he/she is doing but you will respect the person nonetheless. Remember, he is also God’s creation and God loves him/her equally as God loves you.

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