Though it was not really on her wish list, Esther admits that parenting an autistic child has brought joy and purpose to her life. She admits it has brought her family together and given her music depth.
Autistic kids are endowed with other supernatural gifts like photographic memory and those gifts have helped her appreciate her son even more.
“These kids are really gifted, they have a lot to offer if only we give them a chance.” she adds
Dr. Lincoln Kamau is a Behavior Analyst & Education consultant according to him, while no medication can correct the impairments underlining autism, medications are often used to treat behavioral problems.
This include self-injurious behavior, aggression and tantrums that keep the person with autism from functioning more effectively at home or school.
He says,
“Before spending time and money and possibly delaying progress, the family of an autistic child should gather information about the various options available. Learn as much as you can, look at all the options, and make your decision based on your child’s treatment needs.”
Adding, “Among the many methods available for treatment and education of people with autism, applied behavior analysis (ABA) has become widely accepted as an effective treatment. If this is not available in your area, consider treatments that target specific deficits in learning, language, imitation, attention, compliance, and initiation of interaction.”