Curiosity about the afterlife has led to a growing number of movies on the subject such as ‘Heaven Is For Real,’ the true story of a child’s remarkable trip to heaven and back, and ’90 Minutes in Heaven,’ the story of how Don Piper was miraculoulsy brought back to life after a car accident in 1989.
Graham warned against being misled by experiences outside of God’s word, saying, “Sometimes Satan tries to imitate God’s work, deceiving people into thinking they don’t need to commit their lives to Christ in order to be saved. Remember: Satan “is a liar and the father of lies,” he said referencing John 8:44.
He concluded to the reader, “Be thankful for your aunt’s faith in Christ—a faith that strengthened her every day, and assured her of her life beyond the grave. May Christ become the foundation of your life as well—beginning today.”