Returning to the Vomit
I know this sounds terribly harsh, but the Proverb warns about this (Proverbs 26:11). And so does the Apostle Peter in quoting Solomon: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire” (2 Peter 2:22). The context of this is a falling away, not drifting away from God. So if you find yourself falling back into the same old sins you had stopped doing, that’s a true sign you’re moving away from God. Pray for the help to resist temptation and surrender to Him because we can’t fight this on our own.

Solitary Life
When you are cut off from the Body of Christ and other Christians, you are isolating yourself from the fellowship, relationships, and prayers of the saints. We can’t walk with Christ alone in life; we need one another. And since the New Testament has dozens of “one another’s,” we are not to be separated from the Body of Christ. There are many members, but the Body functions best when all the parts are there. When you begin to isolate yourself, then you are surely drifting away from God.