Remaining Child-like
You see, our youngest daughter is 10-years old. And she still loves to create with Play-Doh. Most kids her age have very little interest in something like Play-Doh. It would be ‘too babyish’ in their eyes. And, yet, our daughter either doesn’t know this or she just doesn’t care if she does.
My husband and I discussed how she has been able to keep so much of her childhood innocence. And in this day and age, that is quite a feat! Seriously, the worst bad word she knows at 10-years old is ‘stupid’. If you asked a public-schooled kid what the worst bad word that they knew was, I am sure we’d be embarrassed at hearing it.
The Truth: At home, she can just be a kid and enjoy her childhood. She doesn’t know any different, even with older siblings. She is having a delightful childhood – the way it should be. This truth brings me confidence and joy in our family’s decision to home educate.