Home General Kathy Kiuna Schools Modern Day Couple On Love And Pre-Marital Tests

Kathy Kiuna Schools Modern Day Couple On Love And Pre-Marital Tests

Law, choice, commitment. These are some things that have kept us strong and helped us get closer as years go by.”


Well, here is the complete post

Love is a law. Love is not a feeling. When you come to a red light on the road the law says you wait for the green light in order to drive.

The feeling may be different coz you’re in a hurry, but you can’t drive by feelings, you have to follow the law. Feelings keep changing so if you bank on them for the success of your marriage you’re looking for trouble. T

he reason why relationships are failing is coz people have misconceptions of love. When you love you fulfill the law.

Laws are not driven by feelings otherwise every country would collapse. People are leaving each other based on “IM NOT FEELING YOU” Love is a choice.

When you make a choice to love someone, you love them with their imperfections coz guess what, you’re not perfect either.

When out of billions of people you chose that one without a gun being held at you, you must love the choice you made. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Love is a commitment.

When you commit, you don’t back out. You allow God to take center stage and help you navigate through every challenge. Every challenge makes you grow. Don’t run from commitment coz of challenge. 

So three important lessons. Law, choice, commitment. These are some things that have kept us strong and helped us get closer as years go by.”

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