As you trust the Lord to defend what is right, keep your heart pure. You will be tempted to lash back with infuriating words or, at the other extreme, acquiesce to your critic’s demands. Neither of these options is best. What is right is to stand your ground, involve other people as is appropriate to mediate, and remain friendly, firm, and fair. You may need to seek legal counsel to make sure you are following the due process of the law.
However, your ability to do what is right under a firestorm of criticism from someone you thought was a friend can be redemptive in the long run. Maybe your critic will wake up to the realities of what is right. Your short-term pain and patience will hopefully save another from long-term trials. God is the ultimate defender of you and His truth.
You cannot keep your reputation stellar and polished, but your Savior can cleanse your soiled status in the community. Submit to Him and trust Him during this lowly time of litigation, because God has the final say in what is right or wrong. He will judge fairly now and in eternity. You can sleep at night because God is in control of this situation. Your appeal is to almighty God.
“This is what your Sovereign Lord says, your God, who defends his people: ‘See, I have taken out of your hand the cup that made you stagger; from that cup, the goblet of my wrath, you will never drink again’” (Isaiah 51:22).