Wild rumors about gospel singer Rose Muhando have been flying around the last few months. The singer has come out to share what’s happening in her life and how some of these rumors came to exist.
It has been a couple of turbulent months for gospel singer Rose Muhando who has been making eye-popping headlines.
Rose Muhando: Journalists are lying about me
Those allegations are not to true and the singer has now come out to clarify things.
“It is true I was ailing, but not to the extent Tanzanian media reported,” Muhando said after being contacted by Edaily recently.

The Tanzania media claimed the singer is slowly dying from a disease that she can’t rally point out. They also reported that she’s deep into drugs.
“I am very healthy,” she said.
“That explains why I am able to attend far-off meetings. Our media sometimes reports nonfactual information.
“Whenever someone withdraws to his or her cocoon – and disappears from the public eye, you’d see them write that the person is depressed or is critically ill.

“Some journalists from these sides do little to verify authenticity of the reports people feed them with. I don’t understand their intention.”
“Some people disguise as my friends, only to feed the media reports blown out of proportion about my life. Sadly, the media ends up receiving all the flak, while it is the fake friends who should be the recipients of disapproval.
“I don’t like how media in our country reports issues around public figures.
“If they make an attempt of calling you, they’ll insist in their line of questioning that you are not well, while in reality, you are fine. People who rejoice at others’ woes do not impress me at all.”
Muhando also explained why she’s been missing from the music scene.
She denied leaving music.
“I have been silent because I am currently very busy. For example, I often get locked in meetings every other week; but I am currently working on an album that is slated for release in July this year,” she said.
Watch Muhando’s song below: