Heaven explodes in festivity every time a sinner turns his back and repents from his wicked ways. The Lord Jesus Himself said this:
“Likewise, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:10 MEV)
However, there are times when although heaven shouts and sings over a sinner’s repentance, the church on earth isn’t as responsive – in fact, some church members tend to be apathetic or opposed to it. Why?
When the Church Doesn’t Rejoice Over God’s Happiness
I have seen this sadness in my life as a Christian for years. A person repents from his sin, comes to church, and is welcomed by a few. However, because he doesn’t seem to look presentable or likeable, he really doesn’t get the welcome that heaven would give.
And yes, that person goes away, happy with the Lord’s salvation, but sad at the church’s cold reception.
Why does this happen?
Perhaps the church is too busy with activities. Perhaps the church has a lot of pressures from persecution outside and problems inside. Perhaps the church is going through a tough time.
Maybe, but I would disagree. People in the early church were persecuted, but they rejoice at one sinner who repented. The early church had many activities, and they rejoiced all the more when God added to their number daily. Paul himself rejoiced when he heard that a certain church grew in faith.
In short, those who are truly saved will rejoice at the salvation of one who is like them before they met Christ – a sinner in dire need of the Saviour.
How about you, my friend? Do you rejoice at the news of your enemy coming to Christ? Do you praise God when the people you didn’t think “save-able” would be saved by Christ? I pray that you would, just like heaven does.
Here are some ways Christians should treat new people in the church.
1. Welcome Them
In Acts 9:26-28, we read of the account of the apostle Paul’s (then called Saul) first coming to the church. We read that the people were afraid of him because of his reputation. If not for a certain man named Barnabas, this man wouldn’t be welcomed into the fold, the man who would later do a great ministry and write many books in the Bible.
If we wouldn’t welcome new believers into our fold in the church, we do not only risk them turning away at our hypocrisy. We also risk discouraging someone from pursuing God in our midst!
2. Respect Them
In James 2:1-5, we are told not to discriminate between the rich and the poor, the ones who look likeable and the ones who don’t. Seriously. Christ said in Matthew 22:39 that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. The way we want to be treated should be the same way we treat new believers: with respect.
3. Encourage Them

“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)
Are there new believers in your midst? Encourage them to grow in the Lord. Build them up and never tear them down. The world is already putting us down for loving and following the Lord. We shouldn’t do any more of that to our brothers and sisters.