His reason? It is tedious flying Business Class from continent to continent.
As he waits for his jet, so are their followers for their cars.
Most of the netizens, however, took over the prophesy post and sarcastically started questioning if indeed they were ever going to get the prophesied cars:
Kathungu @Kisumba
Replying to @Attilla_IV @RevKathyKiuna
@KathunguK my #40DaysOfGlory Reward Audi A6 not yet delivered, but still waiting patiently.
Charles Odawo @CharlesOdawo
Replying to @RevKathyKiuna
KOT: wapi gari ulipromise , MUM?@RevKathyKiuna
Wile E.Coyote 

Dear @RevKathyKiuna
Your car account is in arrears of one Ford Focus RS. Please remit said automotive to one Mr. Wile E ASAP to avoid being listed with the CRB.
Kind regards
Shaffie Waru @Mwass_
#40DaysOfGlory almost up and the only car keys I own are khakis. Dafuuuuq?
• OCHANYO ® • @Adrian_Ochanyo
Mummy and daddy said after #40DaysOfGlory well all have our cars. Yours hasn’t arrived yet? Just be patient. https://twitter.com/R_isforRay/status/949251954206740481 …
Barasa Kevine® @kevine_b
Replying to @Attilla_IV and 2 others
Yes Garage is Ready…DL Updated. @RevKathyKiuna Tell me when i can go pick it up. My whole village is waiting #40DaysOfGlory