The pastor who predicted that Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe will die in October this year has gone missing. His family and fellow activists have expressed fears over his life after he failed to appear in court. An activist released a statement criticizing the regime for frustrating activists.
Pastor Patrick Mugadza was arrested after making a prediction that Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe will die in October this year. Now, he has gone missing.

Pastor Patrick Mugadza was due to appear in court in Harare on Thursday but failed to do so. His family and fellow activists waited for him in court to no avail.
Upon inquiring at the prison where Pastor Mugadza is held, his family and activist were told that there was no fuel to transport him to court. However, they saw another vehicle leaving with suspects, which they surmised was heading to the same court.
They have therefore expressed fears over Pastor Mugadza’s life.
A prominent activist, Linda Masarira, released a statement expressing these fears and criticizing the Zimbabwean government for frustrating activists.
To see Pastor Mugadza making the prediction that got him in trouble, check out the video below.