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Are You Resisting God? The 6 Essential Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

The number one way pride manifests itself is in how we think about and interact with people. I’ve learned this from personal experience.

Here, for example, are some powerful questions I’ve learned to ask myself to help me make sure I’m not unconsciously resisting God and being prideful:

  1. Have my words created division or unity?
  2. Do I say things behind the backs of other people that would upset or shock them if they were to find out? In other words, am I “two-faced”?
  3. Am I in any way defeated or stuck? If so, is it because I have not done something I should have done, or done something I should not have done?
  4. Do my relationships with people truly reflect a love for God?
  5. Do I seek to control situations or people, or do I seek to encourage people and embrace them as they are, looking for ways to be an encouragement?
  6. Could it be that the reason I’m stuck is because I am, in some area of my life, resisting God?

Surrender to God and leave the results to Him. Resistance to God is an exercise in futility. Surrender is what will move you ahead — not only with God, but in every area of life.

We’re not alone. We’re in this together.

Are you in any way resisting God? Why resist him any further? After all, no one who has ever resisted God has ever come out a winner.

Most of the lessons I’ve learned in life I’ve learned through failure. I typically publish my blogs Tuesday through Friday, here and on Facebook. We welcome and read comments from readers just like you because they help us (and others) think and grow. Don’t be shy. Chime in.


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