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Held Up

To feel alone and abandoned while fighting your own internal war is an overwhelming and frightening feeling. Just as Moses had friends to surround him and help anchor him for the sake of victory, we are called to do the same for those around us who need to be lifted up.

And we should also be willing to ask others to lift us up when needed. There is a tendency to isolate ourselves during challenging periods in our lives. It is the enemy’s goal to make us believe that we are alone in our circumstances and that we don’t have anybody who will come along side us and “hold up our hands.” This is so we’ll lose hope. Remember, we were never meant to “go it alone.” It may be hard, but reach out so you, too can be held up in your battles, just like Moses and my friend.

Father God, thank you that I am not alone and for being my ultimate source of strength to endure what I am going through. Help me to be the kind of friend that people can lean on during their times of difficulty so they can feel your presence around them and have a sense of hope and victory in their situation. Amen.

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