Home General One Thing Can Stop God’s Power Dead in its Tracks

One Thing Can Stop God’s Power Dead in its Tracks


In response to the disciples inability to cast the spirit out, Jesus exclaimed, “Faithless generation!” The problem was not just in the boy or his family, but in what the entire generation carried. We need to put aside clichés that make us feel like we need to try harder, ones like “I need more faith.” But that’s not the point here.

Look again to the response of the boy’s father. He didn’t respond by trying harder. He confessed His unbelief publicly and asked for help! This dumb spirit was not in operation on its own, but was there because of an atmosphere of unbelief in the land! The connection to our own country and our spiritual and physical battles is striking. We are so blessed, yet so riddled with learning disabilities and an inability to live in God’s fruitfulness. Our streets are lined with church buildings, but where is the power of the New Testament church?

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