Home General Otile Brown I Have Desired To Attend Sunday Services Regularly But It...

Otile Brown I Have Desired To Attend Sunday Services Regularly But It Has Been Hard

Is varied but mostly full of starch and proteins as I am a health enthusiast.

Rules I break on Sundays?

I wear shorts because I am indoors. Very few people have seen me in shorts.

That one thing I have always wanted to do but haven’t done?

Attend church regularly. It hasn’t been easy though.

Sunday activities include….

Catching up on what happened during the week, watching a movie or going out for lunch in a mall near home.

A quote : “Everybody wants to look cool. Everybody wants to be on the winning side. Judge only from the truth.”


A simple but important quip; “It’s never that serious!”


A YouTube video of a lady who stood up in one of Kenya’s standup comedy shows and scolded one comedian who was making fun of Kenyan musicians.

He had made a lame joke insinuating that our industry was way below standard compared to other African countries. I’ll look for the lady and buy her dinner.

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