Home General Almighty God, Top Sex Worker Now Turned A Powerful Preacher

Almighty God, Top Sex Worker Now Turned A Powerful Preacher

She made sure she would change her look weekly so as to disguise herself from the men she stole from

While the majority of clients would pay for sex, others just wanted to be in the company of a woman and have someone to pour out their hearts to.

Jane recalls having buried many of her friends because many clients demanded unusual activities and would threaten with guns and other weapons if the sex-workers did not comply.

Many of her colleagues died on the job. Some would be killed in hotel rooms and others would get into clients’ vehicles and vanish or be found dead in a ditch.


Her turning point was in 2004 when a man told her of God’s love, but she was too drunk to understand. She then left the street and decided to walk into a church.

“In my whole life, I never experienced love and care. The idea of love was very strange. He bought me many bottles of beer and left. Afterwards, I started thinking of changing,”

Jane decided to give love another try. She met her second husband, George Mwangi, with whom she had a daughter. She was married to Mwangi who was a gangster for five years until he was killed by police.

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