Home General “You Were Born With An Internal Clock, It’s Called Discernment”, Dennis Okari...

“You Were Born With An Internal Clock, It’s Called Discernment”, Dennis Okari Continues To Share The Good News Of The Kingdom Of God

The wait felt like an eternity and she made a bad move and misadvised her husband Abraham (Genesis 16: 2) “Go into my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her.”

She was desperate. Desperation sometimes can lead you to miss your timing in God.

Like you are too old you need to get married. You are too qualified you need a better job. You are too young you need to stay in school. You are too poor you can’t dream big. You are too ugly no one will spot you. You are a single parent; you are a spent cartridge. You are too young for the position.

Sarah missed her timing because the natural conditions were not convincing enough and her biological clock was ticking so loudly and drowning the voice of faith. She was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 when Isaac was finally born. Despite the mistake, God was still merciful. He was right on time.

The promise is always attached to an appointed time. God didn’t give us time without the gift to discern the right time to make critical decisions.

You have an appointment with a blessing. God predestined you and your divine connection. Give Him time to bring you into your season and activate you.

Don’t compare your season with someone else’s season. You don’t know what was behind them and what they are about to face.

Don’t compare your clock to someone else’s clock. Your 2 pm maybe their 4 am.

You will waste time and energy trying to be someone else and want what they have at the expense of what God designed for you. You are God’s brand. He manufactured you uniquely.

Your passion will fizzle out because you are looking at someone’s clock and their progress in life and fail to appreciate your own progress. Cherish every moment.

Don’t be a spiritually modified organism (SMO) because altering God’s original plan and timing for your life means you will mutate into something different and the results will be slow, tedious and expensive. The effects of Sarah and Abraham’s mistake with Hagar is still felt today.”

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