Spiritual Growth
Feeling Stuck or Adrift? This is For You Right Now
Stuck In Past Seasons
For the past several months, I have been talking a lot about how God is doing a...
4 Ways to Protect Your Relationship with God- Avoid spiritual slips and slides by...
I’m always impressed when a baseball player slides into a base—but I don’t recommend that action for grandma types. I...
The Faith to Break Free
An emotionally abusive spouse had left her filled with self-loathing that led to unhealthy habits, but her faith gave her...
To walk In The Spirit With Your Family
Part One from Seven Ways to Walk in the Spirit with Your Family
Make your home and family life a center...
What Wavelength Are You On?
“...go and make disciples …teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,...
The Main Ingredient in Effective Prayer
It’s tragic how easily we can miss the main ingredient in effective prayer.
In our sin, we’ve been rewired to focus...
Stumbling Toward a Meshach Moment
“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and...
Mystery Is the Lifeblood of Worship
When I was a fairly new Christian, someone told me that the primary problem with Calvinism is that it puts...
Prayer, First or Last Resort?
A neighbor left his keys in the ignition of his new truck and then locked the doors. He tried everything...
What Is Your Special Calling?
Each of us has a unique purpose and plan that is useful and valuable to God. Don't let fear stand in...