Home Church of Christ 5 Reasons You Need to Make Church a Weekly Commitment

5 Reasons You Need to Make Church a Weekly Commitment

1) You’re missing out on how God has chosen to work in this age. God founded the church. It’s not an invention of men like the Elks club or the Red Cross. God created the church and has specifically tasked it to carry out His work until Christ returns. (Acts 1:2)


If you’re saved, you’re part of the church — one body – His beloved bride. This body is made of believers all across the world meeting in multiple congregations. The church provides fellowship, community, corporate worship, discipleship and ministry; it performs the ordinances of communion and baptism; it sends out the called to the utter ends of the earth. The church is a gift from God in this age.

See Also: How the Church Lost the Gift of Discernment-Pt2

2) You’re missing out on using your spiritual gifts. Every believer has one or more spiritual gifts – gifts like teaching, giving, serving, evangelism, hospitality and encouraging. When we a give gift, we mean for the recipient to use and enjoy it. Not so with spiritual gifts. They’re not meant for the recipient. The spiritual gifts God gives us are meant for the body.

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If you aren’t plugged into the church, the body isn’t getting your spiritual gift. Maybe you think it won’t be missed. Scripture says your gift will be missed. (1 Cor 14:26; Eph 4:12) Not only that, but we’ll be held responsible for how we use our spiritual gift. In Matthew 25, Jesus told the parable about a servant who buried a talent given him by his master. When the master returned, those who had multiplied their talents were praised and rewarded while the servant who had buried his talent was rebuked and chastened.

See Also: How The Church Has Lost The Spirit Discernment- Pt3


3) You’re missing out on spiritual gifts meant for you. If you’re not in a church, not only is the body missing out on your spiritual gifts, but you are missing out on the body’s spiritual gifts intended for you. Sure, you can turn on the radio or a podcast and hear great preaching. But you’ll miss out altogether on the shepherding a local pastor provides. You’ll also miss gifts of service, encouragement, hospitality, prophecy and so many more that God intends for you to build you into a strong and mature believer.

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4) You’re missing out on accountability. God calls believers to be holy. Can we do that on our own? Theoretically, maybe it’s possible. Practically, however, the more we’re out from under regular Biblical teaching and the more we drift away from others also authentically trying to live a holy life, the more difficult it is to live by God’s standards. In a world veering further and further from God’s standard, regular fellowship and intentional worship with the body of Christ re-align us. It helps provide a plumb line of accountability in a world that eschews both plumb lines and accountability.

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