Home Church of Christ 5 Reasons You Need to Make Church a Weekly Commitment

5 Reasons You Need to Make Church a Weekly Commitment

5) You’re missing out on the sweetest fellowship this side of heaven. This one I know from experience. Five years ago, I woke up to my husband’s labored breathing. Within an hour, an emergency room doctor would pronounce him dead and I became a widow and single mom to our seven children. I made one phone call to let a dear friend from church know what was happening and rode home in shock

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Within minutes of ariving home, my front door opened. That friend came to be with us. Throughout the day, my front door opened again and again as the body of Christ came to grieve with us. Over the next months, they brought meals, cleaned the house, fixed broken appliances, ministered to my children, helped with cars and continue to pray for us even now. In our desperation, they were the hands and feet of Jesus.

See Also: How The Church Lost The Spirit Of Discernment-Pt4

Why the church? We are meant to walk this Christian life together. I know churches can hurt. I know they can offend. And I’m deeply sorry for that.

But countless churches across the globe are the authentic body of Christ – imperfect and yet gloriously bearing Christ’s image.

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Robert Frost wrote about two roads that diverged in the wood. I cannot imagine what my life would look like without the friendships, the equipping, the accountability, the ministry that various congregations of believers have provided in my life. The road you choose – in church or out – will make all the difference.

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