Home General Dennis Okari Getting Deeper In Spiritual Matters And Loving God Intimately

Dennis Okari Getting Deeper In Spiritual Matters And Loving God Intimately

NTV’s investigative reporter Dennis Okari has become an influential and inspirational public figure to many.

The estranged husband of sexy screen siren Betty Kyallo has been posting a lot of inspirational pieces on his social media and preaching the gospel in high schools and it’s without a doubt that Okari has moved on after parting ways with his ex-wife.

Well, Dennis Okari has written yet another post about separation


He found himself caught between a deep argument. He could hear a stream of words being exchanged outside his plush tent and he paused. He felt the heavy weight of tension cut through the woven rushes of his safe enclosure, but he didn’t want to get involved. He was avoiding something and so he continued working.

Like scaffoldings against a building, he was hoping their common wealth would hold them together but it was tearing them apart. He had just finished working on a tent partition and was driving pins into the ground using a mallet.

He glanced at his firm grip on the wooden tool and wished he could use it as a weapon to silence the noise around him.

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